The Global Cyperaceae Database (GCypD)
Cyperaceae are one of the ten largest plant families in the world. The Global Cyperaceae Database (GCypD) is built on the World Checklist of Vascular Plants which has been imported to the Aphia platform of the World Register of Marine Species through World Flora Online (WFO). The international WFO Taxonomic Expert Network (TEN) for Cyperaceae will assess, edit and update the taxonomic information for this important family.
A Global Cyperaceae Checklist and online taxonomic treatment
Datasets for the Cyperaceae from across the world were integrated in the Global Cyperaceae Database from 2023 onwards. Names were matched using POWO as initial reference. Entries were completed to differing levels by different authors (see authorship at the bottom of the corresponding data page). Distribution data originally compiled from POWO. Taxonomic concepts were initially derived from the data sources and updated according to subsequent treatments and under the criterion of the author in charge of the corresponding taxon.
- All of the generous Data Providers
- The International Sedge Society (@IntSedgeSoc)
- Institutions: Pablo de Olavide University, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)
- Funding: TETTRIs (Transforming European Taxonomy through Training, Research and Innovations)-Horizon 2020 EU [project Grant Agreement Nr 101081903 - Third Party Project Grant Contract -3PP, Contract iSedge 4/T2/3PP]; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades - Gobierno de España [RYC2021-031238-I; project CNS2’23-143665]).
- Online resources: Biodiversity Heritage Library, Gallica, Botanicus, Real Jardín Botánico de Madrid, Internet Archive, International Plant Name Index (IPNI), Index Nominum Genericorum (ING), TDWG Geographic Standard, POWO, WFO
Original Datasources for The Global Cyperaceae Database
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- Mesterházy, A.; Browing, J.; Verloove, F. (2022). Cyperaceae of tropical West Africa. 532 pp. Meise Botanic Garden, Belgium.